Passages: Matthew 23:2-3; Mark 12:13-17; Romans 12:14-13:8; Matthew 5:38-48; Daniel 2:21,44; I Peter 2:4-25; II Cor 6:14-18; Revelation 18:2-5; Matthew 5:3-12; I Corinthians 7:17-23; Ephesians 2:19-22
1. For the follower of Christ, God alone is King and Jesus alone is Lord of Lords. The followers of Jesus together belong to the kingdom of God, not to any kingdom of this world. The kingdom of God is made up of those who are righteous in God through Christ.
2. God is the establisher of authority over the earth. He has given authority to mankind to rule all the creatures of the earth. God establishes and desposes kings and authorities on the earth to rule mankind. These kings and authorities are often evil, dedicating themselves to idolatry, but they continue to have God’s authority.
3. While the follower of Jesus is submitted primarily to Christ, while they are living in a country, they act as ambassadors from the kingdom of God to that nation, and thus are accountable to that nation.
4. The follower of Christ is to submit to the authorities on earth they are specifically under, as long as the authority does not command the follower of Christ to reject the word of Christ.
5. The follower of Christ is not to act as those who are outside the kingdom of God, but to be separate from the kingdom of this world in action—being obedient to the Spirit and not to the flesh—and in attitude—following the principles of love as taught by Christ, not the principles of the flesh or the world.
6. On the final day, God will destroy all of the current governments and place the oppressed and righteous of his people in charge of all the peoples on earth.
7. The follower of Christ should not put themselves under the submission of the world in any way they are able to avoid it, especially in areas in which compromise one’s obedience to Christ.
8. To battle oppression by those in authority, Scripture has four methods:
a. Cry out to the Lord for deliverance;
b. Speak to those doing the evil, warning them of God’s judgment if they continue;
c. Suffer for doing good under those who are evil;
d. Create communities of Christ’s righteousness.
1. Non-violent resistance
To resist authority, even if they are oppressing you, is opposed to Scripture. Even though the resistance might cause the authorities to yield their oppression, salvation comes from God, not from earthly authorities, governments or civil rights.
2. Patriotism
For the follower of Jesus, fealty is to be given to God alone through Christ. While they submit to the governing authorities in which they live, they do so as visitors, not subjects.
3. Partnerships with unbelievers
Any kind of partnership with an unbeliever should be rejected. This includes marriages, business partnerships, financial partnerships, or any partnership in which authority is split between unbelievers and a follower of Christ. Grants may be accepted from unbelievers, as long as they do not have strings which compromise one’s obedience to Christ.
4. Service in the police or military or politics
Service in the police or the military easily compromises Jesus’ commands by calling upon their forces to do evil to others for the sake of defense, security or vengeance. If one who has come to the Lord finds oneself in such a position, then continue to do so until the position forces one to compromise obedience to Jesus. At that point, the follower of Jesus must obey Jesus, no matter what the consequences. A follower of Jesus should not, however, join the police, military or run for office for to do so would too easily compromise one’s obedience to Jesus. Don’t make things difficult for yourself.
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